War is Peace

Stand Up

What do you stand for? What do you believe? What is important to you and to your family?

Speak Up

Its time to stop being the silent majority. Speak up and share your views – while you still can.

Push Back

Culture, belief, language, community and personal responsibility.

Where do you get your News?

Trust in mainstream media has fallen to the lowest recorded level ever. Why is this? Does the news show you a country that refelects your values and beliefs? Does watching the news make you think you might be alone in your view of the world? What future do you see for yourself or for your children?

We live in the luckiest and most prosperous countries in history and far too many people want to throw it all away, even burn it to the ground, and they have no understanding of what they would replace it with. More young people view socialism and communism favorably than ever. 

Communism is the most destructive ideology of the last 150 years. Communism killed more people (and still does) than all the fascists ever did. What are they teaching your kids at school? Most likely they are being taught be Marxists, right from junior school all the way through university.

There are serious challenges facing the West today and far too many of our younger generations are being indoctrinated by a poisoned world view that wants to tear apart families and destroy the institutions and systems that made us the envy of the world.

If we don’t Stand Up, Speak Up and Push Back we are at risk of losing so much of what we have gained over the last 200 years. And we will lose it to a dangerous and childish mob that has never had to go through the tough times and lacks the understanding of what they have and the knowledge and experience to build something better.

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.“

Restricting language erodes your freedom

Words have the power to hurt feelings and can be intended to harm or vilify others. Should we make use of some words or language illegal? Who gets to decide what words are not allowed? Who gets to decide which group of people can or cannot use specific language?

If someone speaks in a way that is rude and offensive then those words taint the speaker and those that hear the words can make up their own minds about the speaker. We do not need the government or special interest groups deciding some words are illegal.

You might think that words being banned today should be banned. What about tomorrow when a different group of people are in charge of making the rules?

If people cannot talk about difficult topics then it stifles learning and growth. If you are exposed only to a single set of views how do you know if they are right? If you want to talk about anything of real importance you are going to offend people.

Freedom of speech and the freedom to use language was crucial in the development of our societies, of our sciences, engineering, arts, literature, religion, politics and so much more. Restricting language will never result in any long term improvements of our society or of ourselves.

The Machine Speaks

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