Doomsday Forecasts

“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”

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  • Wokeism

22 March 2024

Mann’s defenders try to talk around his misconduct, European farmers protesting climate policy, failure of Artificial Meat and out-of-touch elitists…

21 March 2024

In an opinion piece written for and published on MSNBC we get the following propaganda. The entire piece and accompanying…

21 March 2024

In this video Konstantin Kisin talks about people lacking a voice to speak whether by unwillingness or suppression. He elaborates…

21 March 2024

“Climate” the Movie contains interviews with many skeptical scientists with significant experience, involvement and insight in the very broad field…

Stand Up

What do you stand for? What do you believe? What is important to you and to your family?

Speak Up

Its time to stop being the silent majority. Speak up and share your views – while you still can.

Push Back

Culture, belief, language, community and personal responsibility.

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

Politics Ruins Everything

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